Youth and Young Adults find the right kind of support at Rideauwood.
Pressure from peers, unrealistic expectations, the relentlessness of social media, are just a few of the forces making it an extremely challenging time to grow up in. At Rideauwood we recognize just how challenging it is and offer tailored programs for Youth and Young Adults focused on substance use, behavioural addictions and mental health issues. We provide specialized support and partner with clients to choose the program path that meets their individual goals.
Do you have questions about substance use, behavioural addictions or mental health?
Explore your questions with our self-assessment tool.
Do I or others question whether my
substance use and/or behavioural
addictions are causing problems?
Have I experienced consequences in my life related to my substance use and/or behavioural addictions but have continued the same behaviour?
Has my substance use and/or
behavioural addiction increased
regardless of my efforts to moderate
or stop completely?
Am I a family member or caregiver of
someone affected by substance use or a
behavioural addiction?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above please contact us.
“You learn so much along the way. Some of the ideas
might kick in later, but when they do, they stay with you.”
– Alumni, Rideauwood
There is no “right” path-only the
path you choose.
In our education programs, we talk about the “Hows and Whys” of substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health issues. We also discuss healthy ways to cope.
These educational sessions are tailored to different client groups.
Our prevention programs provide resources and tools to participants to increase their resilience.
Harm Reduction
Clients choose to reduce the harms related to their substance use and/or other problematic behaviours. Setting harm reduction goals helps clients minimize harms and enhance their skills and knowledge to improve their health.
Clients choose to eliminate their substance use and/or other problematic behaviours altogether. Clients develop a program path to achieve their goals.
Rideauwood has many programs for Youth and Young Adults
School-Based Program
Rideauwood’s School-Based Program offers students prevention, education and treatment to address substance use, behavioural addictions or mental health issues in and out of school. It is provided to English Language High Schools and Senior Elementary Schools in Ottawa. Students from any school board may also access this program at our Parkdale site.
Youth & Young Adult Substance Use Program
Rideauwood’s Substance Use program is for Youth and Young Adults who are facing challenges in their life including substance use, behavioural addictions or mental health issues. Our services are offered in multiple geographical locations and provide program participants with education, individual and group counselling.
Youth Justice Program
The Youth Justice Program is for Youth and Young Adults who are involved in the judicial system and who are experiencing problematic substance use, behavioural addictions and related mental health issues. Our services are offered in multiple geographical locations and provide program participants with education, individual and group counselling.
Pregnant and Parenting Program
This program is for pregnant or parenting youth (12-25) and their children who are experiencing difficulties related to substance use, behavioural addictions or mental health issues.
Participants in this program receive counselling and education so they can feel empowered to set goals for healthy pregnancy and parenting.