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Health Topics

Curated content for people interested in topics related to problematic substance use, gambling and technology use.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911 immediately or visit your local hospital emergency room.
The Ottawa Mental Health Crisis Line 

1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9 

If you are located within Ottawa please call:


If you are located outside Ottawa please call:

1 866-996-0991

The Ottawa Hospital - Civic Campus

1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4E9 


The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus

501 Smyth Road, Ottawa, K1H 8L6


Queensway-Carleton Hospital

3045 Baseline Road, Ottawa, ON K2H 8P4


Hôpital Montfort Hospital

713 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON, K1K OT2 


Rideauwood partners with

During COVID-19, Rideauwood has partnered with other agencies through CounsellingConnect to help youth, young adults and adults who are dealing with substance use issues, or other problematic behaviour such as gambling and gaming or supporting a friend/family member who is. If you are interested in a single session to explore these issues, help is just a click away.