Home > Ways to Give

Individuals and families in our community are struggling with problematic substance use, behavioural addictions and related mental health issues.

You can support them as they make positive changes in their lives. 

Increasingly, Rideauwood depends on the generosity of donors to continue to provide critical prevention, education and treatment programs. Whether you are an individual or you represent an organization, we are deeply appreciative of your support.

Discover the many ways you can help.

How individuals can help.



How organizations can help.

Corporate Giving

Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate Fundraising

Rideauwood partners with

During COVID-19, Rideauwood has partnered with other agencies through CounsellingConnect to help youth, young adults and adults who are dealing with substance use issues, or other problematic behaviour such as gambling and gaming or supporting a friend/family member who is. If you are interested in a single session to explore these issues, help is just a click away.