The Rideauwood School-Based Program supports students, and their families, who are struggling with substance use, behavioural addiction and related mental health issues.
Confidential, in-school counselling is available to students who are:
• In grades 9-12 with the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB)
• At risk of using
• Actively using
• In recovery
• Affected by someone else’s substance use and/or behavioural addiction
Referrals may come from the student (self referral), school administrators, guidance counsellors, and/or parents/guardians. Speak to your school’s principal and/or guidance counsellor to request a referral.
Rideauwood Prevention and Education Program (RPEP)
School-Based counsellors facilitate the Rideauwood Prevention and Education Program (RPEP) for grade 7 and 8 students in the OCDSB. This early intervention and prevention program includes two separate presentations for each grade level, in the fall and winter terms, respectively.
“ Thank you to your team for your work with our students – the program is an important one!”
- Elementary-school vice principal