Province of Ontario is investing more than $5.1 million this year in 19 Ottawa-area community mental health and addiction services and programs.


OTTAWA — Ontario’s mental health and addictions system is disconnected with uneven access to quality services, making it challenging for patients and families to navigate a confusing system and get the services they need. That’s why Ontario’s Government for the People is protecting what matters most by adding mental health and addictions services on the ground in schools, communities and health centres.

Today, Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, was joined by Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, and Ottawa-area cabinet ministers and MPPs at the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Ottawa branch to announce funding for mental health and addictions supports in Ottawa.

“With this funding, our government is keeping our promise to make mental health and addictions a priority,” said Elliott. “This additional funding for the Ottawa area will go directly to frontline services and will help fill the critical gaps in the system. This funding will help support more mental health beds, programs for children and youth, addictions treatment and supportive housing.”

To ensure that those struggling with addiction in Ottawa can connect with comprehensive wrap-around supports for treatment and rehabilitation services, the government will invest nearly $2 million in the construction of Ottawa Inner City Health’s consumption and treatment services site. This funding will allow the site to move its current operations from a trailer to a permanent location to better meet the demand for services by accommodating more booths and clients.

The government is also investing more than $5.1 million this year in 19 Ottawa-area community mental health and addiction services and programs. This funding will directly benefit frontline care providers in Ottawa, including but not limited to:

  • $2,336,000 for 10 inpatient mental health beds at the Ottawa Hospital (Ottawa South)
  • $200,000 to support early psychosis intervention at the Ottawa Hospital’s “On Track” program
  • $625,968 for Canadian Mental Health Association’s Ottawa branch for post-court transitional case managers and rent supplements, as well as supportive housing
  • $104,000 for priority population programs at Jewish Family Services Ottawa
  • $213,767 to support child and youth mental health programs at the Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa
  • $115,579 to support child and youth mental health programs at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario.

This funding is part of the additional $174 million the government is providing this year to address critical gaps in services across Ontario and support patients and families living with mental health and addictions challenges. To ensure mental health and addiction service providers have stable, long-term funding, the government will be making this additional funding available every year.

“These investments are part of our commitment to invest $3.8 billion over the next 10 years to develop and implement a comprehensive and connected mental health and addictions strategy,” said Tibollo. “With our partners, our government will create a connected system of care with comprehensive wrap-around services to ensure that every Ontarian is fully supported in their journey toward mental wellness.”

The government is adding more services on the ground, including in schools, communities and health centres benefiting thousands of Ontarians.

“Our organization would like to thank the Honourable Christine Elliott and the provincial government for today’s announcement, part of an unprecedented 10-year, $3.8 billion commitment to Ontario’s mental health and addictions sector,” said CMHA Ottawa Executive Director Tim Simboli. “The funding announced will benefit our housing and mental health and justice programs, helping to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the Ottawa area.”

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