How Love Ones Can Help

Available Trainings

Supporting Family Members of People with Problematic Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders

This training helps develop an understanding of a loved one’s experience with problematic substance use and substance use disorders. Training focusses on employing effective strategies to support family members while maintaining one’s own health and well-being.

Family Spiral

Family Spiral is a 2-evening education program for family members, friends and support persons who are concerned about someone experiencing problematic substance use, behavioural addiction or a related mental health issue.

Family Spiral is an introduction to Rideauwood’s family and parent counselling services.  Participants learn about addiction and how it affects families, while connecting with others who are experiencing concerns and challenges similar to their own. 

Rideauwood partners with

Rideauwood provides access to short-wait counselling services through Counselling Connect, which helps youth, young adults and adults who are dealing with substance use, gambling or gaming use challenges, or supporting a family member or loved one who is. 

Whether you are an existing client of Rideauwood, on the waitlist for our other services, or just exploring your options, we recommend starting with a Counselling Connect session!

The wait for services is short, and you can schedule your appointment online in a quick and easy single-session format.

Help is just a click away.